This is a preliminary syllabus for the Summer School in Geometric Representation Theory. As Eisenhower once said: “Plans are worthless, but planning is everything,” so don’t take this too literally, but I hope it will be a useful guide to what we’ll discuss.

Outline Schedule:

Day 1 (Mon, June 19):

9:15-10:15 Lecture 1: General orientation: QFT, symplectic resolutions, knot invariants (BW) [Braverman & Finkelberg, Sec. 1.8, 4, Notes, Ch. 0, Webster-Yoo]

slides (pre-talk version) (after-talk version)

10:45-11:45 Lecture 2: Symplectic singularities and resolutions (Danilenko) [Kamnitzer, Section 2]


2-3 Tutorial (equivariant cohomology, Poisson brackets, deformation quantization)

problem sheet

3:30-4:30 Lecture 3a: Convolution algebras and Springer theory (Hilburn) [Ginzburg, Sections 1 and 2, Notes, Ch. 2-3]

4:30-5:30 Office Hours

Day 2 (Tues, June 20):

9:15-10:15 Lecture 3b: Convolution algebras and Springer theory (Hilburn) [Ginzburg, Sections 1 and 2, Notes, Ch. 2-3]

10:45-11:45 Lecture 4: The affine Grassmannian and its equivariant cohomology (Krylov) [Notes, Ch. 5, BFM]


2-3 ****Lecture 5: The BFN definition of Coulomb branches (Hilburn) [Kamnitzer, Sec. 7, Braverman & Finkelberg, Sec. 5, Notes, Ch. 6]

3:30-4:30 Tutorial (more fun with BFN)

problem sheet

4:30-5:30 Office Hours

Day 3 (Weds, June 21):

9:15-10:15 Lecture 6: Examples of Coulomb branches (BW)

slides (pre-talk version) (after-talk version)

10:45-11:45 Lecture 7: Planar KLRW algebras as generalized Springer theory (BW) [Notes, Ch. 4]

slides (pre-talk version) (after-talk version)


2-3 Tutorial (Steinberg algebras)

problem sheet

3:30-4:30 Lecture 8: Cylindrical KLRW algebras as Coulomb branches of quiver gauge theories (BW) [Notes, Ch. 5,7]

slides (after-talk version)

4:30-5:30 Office Hours

Day 4 (Thurs, June 22):

9:15-10:15 Lecture 9: Tilting generators, localization for sheaves of algebras (Danilenko) [Kaledin, Sec. 3.1]

10:45-11:45 Lecture 10: Char p quantizations of Coulomb branches and tilting bundles (BW) [Coherent sheaves and quantum Coulomb branches I]

slides (pre-talk version) (after-talk version)


2-3 Tutorial (cylindrical KLRW algebras and tilting bundles)

problem set

3:30-4:30 Lecture 11: Knot homology introduction (BW)

slides (pre-talk version) (after-talk version)

4:30-5:30 Office Hours

Day 5 (Fri, June 23):

9:15-10:15 Lecture 12: Aganagic approach to knot homology overview (LePage) [Aganagic ICM]


10:45-12 Lecture 13: Interpretation of Aganagic’s homology in terms of tilting bundles (BW) [Coherent sheaves and quantum Coulomb branches II]

slides (pre-talk version) (after-talk version)


Useful background:

These are roughly ranked from most to least essential:

Equivariant cohomology, mainly for tori and GL_n (Notes, Ch. 1)

Convolution in Borel-Moore homology (Ginzburg, Sections 1 and 2, Notes, Ch. 2)

Homological algebra and derived categories (general notions, doesn’t have to be deep) (for a quick introduction, this paper of Thomas; if you want lots of details, Yekuteli’s book)

Symplectic forms and Poisson brackets (Ch. 1, Loja Fernandes and Marcut)

GIT quotients (Proudfoot, Sec. 4)

Further reading:

Notes from a previous seminar, currently being edited for this summer school as well:

Here on Overleaf. Ambitious students are welcome to edit or to add comments/chats

More on 3-d mirror symmetry and connections to QFT:

A survey article written by Webster and Yoo for the Notices of the AMS: Webster-Yoo

Notes from a mini-course on Coulomb branches by Braverman-Finkelberg: Braverman-Finkelberg